Saturday, January 15, 2011


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Vermentino is a grape that calls home to a few different places, but finds a very comfortable setting in the Tuscan coastal regions.  Also very commonly found on the island of Sardegna and Liguria to the North, as well as the South of France where it is called Rolle.  Vermentino is a grape that is quite resilient, thriving in climates that are warm and lack rainfall.  At the same time though, the coastal regions where it is common also provide a cooling effect from the ocean as well as the proper soils for it to not only be productive but high in quality as well.  Tuscany is a region that is often thought of only for its red wines, which there are many different examples to list, but often overlooked for its white wines.  Vermentino is leading the movement for white wines in Tuscany, not only for the local market but for the international customers as well.  The grape is high in acidity giving it a wonderful natural crispness, as well as having a savory component which is contributed to by the salty influence of the nearby sea.  Flavors will tend to lean towards the melon and citrus components as well as white stone fruits, and the trademark of a good Vermentino can be measured by the herbal aromas of the local vegetation of the coastal stretches of Tuscany.  I encourage those that are unfamiliar with Vermentino to substitute it for an Italian Pinot Grigio the next time they are looking for a good Italian white wine.

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